Tuesday, 28 March 2017

My final birthday shoot!

Today was my shoot for my birthday concept!

you can see my planning for this shoot by following My planning for the shoot

I was really enthusiastic about this shoot however I was weary on the finish of the final look as I had concern that the triangle would be completely straight therefore I spent the lead up to this shoot practicing and imaging how to get it perfectly straight obviously with the natural curves of the face , the way I came up with was to apply surgical tape to the face in order to achieve the straight lines .

The night before the shoot my model cancelled on me so I was frantically was trying to find a new model, thankfully I managed to get one however I didn't have the chance to properly speak to my model so on the day I didn't know what to expect.

When my model arrived I cleansed her face while talking through my ideas and inspiration , while I was cleansing her face I was looking for any contra-indications or anything that might of needed me to change or alter my look.

One issue I was faced with was when I was plaiting the hair as my model had extensions therefore I couldn't do the hair design that I planned to do, therefore I had to adapt the hairstyle, thankfully prior to the shoot I had a back up hair design so I was prepared for this issue. you can see my planning for the hair part of my look by following Hair planning for birthday shoot

Overall I am happy with my final images however one thing I was really struggling with throughout the shoot was the symmetry of the triangle due to the natural curves of the face. So if I were to ever redo this look this is something I would spend on the most, however I feel that due to the contours of the face the make up looks like it is 3D therefore coming from under her skin which I really like.I have attached a few of the final images below so have a look at let me know what you think!
Image One.Here's a close up of the pincers I created with the hair(Pape,2017)

Image Two. Closed eye shot of my make up.(Farnworth,2017).

Image Three.Side on image of the make up (Farnworth,2017).

Image Four.Frontal image of the make up with eyes open.(Farnworth,2017).

Bibliography -

Image One.Here's a close up of the pincers I created with the hair(Pape,2017)

Pape,E.(2017).Here's a close up of the pincers I created with the hair. [photograph].

Image Two. Closed eye shot of my make up.(Farnworth,2017).

Farnworth,A.(2017).Closed eye shot of my make up.[photograph]

Image Three.Side on image of the make up (Farnworth,2017)

Farnworth,A(2017).Side on image of the make up.[photograph].

Image Four.Frontal image of the make up with eyes open.(Farnworth,2017).

Farnworth,A.(2017).Frontal image of the make up with eyes open.[photograph]

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Finalising my change shoot!

After my initial moodboard about my change shoot ( which you can see Here ) this blog post will all be about finalising ideas for this shoot .

My look will represent how animals are being unnecessary harmed as a result of pollution,my idea for this look is to create a fantasy make up with simple special effects make up, I will be creating a mermaid who has been physically affected by the pollution therefore giving the viewers a shock factor as they see a human being injured in the way that these poor animals are.

Image One .Dark blue's and purples with a hint of pink mermaid make up with adornments to the face and body. (www.glamour.com, n.d.)
Image Two. Zombie mermaid/ this is exactly what I am going for on the neck however I will be including a plastic ring which you see on packs of beer/bottles. (www.popsugar.co.uk, 2016)

Image one and two are my key inspiration for my look as I love different aspects of each  make up. On image One I absolutely love the colouring that is used especially the metallic as this makes the make up to appear to have a wet look that you would expect a mermaid to have , another aspect of this make up I love is the use of adornments to the face and body, this is something that I will totally take into consideration when I am planning my look. The styling of the hair is another factor I like as it has a beachy vibe which again relates back to the fact that she is meant to be a mermaid therefore she would have natural wavy hair due to being in the water.

Image Two is an example of what special effect work I am planning to do on my model however I will be including a plastic ring such as the ones that you can see in my moodboard which I have posted the link above, this is the main feature of my look so I will be ensuring that the main focus will be drawn to this. I love the pose that the model is doing as well as the added blood on her hand as when you are bleeding it is natural for you to touch it, another thing I will be adding to my image is that I will be putting my model in a shell bra and then I will be placing fishing net all over her making it look like she has also been trapped in the netting just like we saw the animals in the blog before this.

Once I had this rough idea I started to create design charts for this look, I have posted them below for you to see!

Image Three.Design chart one.(Pape,2017).

Image one is the first design chart I created for this look, I took all the inspiration I had from the images above and also from my research on the pollution and the effects of sealife. After creating this design chart I decided that I will create another design chart trying out fishnet tights to see how that looks, I will also be including the slit throat in the second design chart.

Image Four.Design chart Two.(Pape,2017)

On this design chart I tried using fishnets to create the scales, I also included the starfish adornment that I will be applying,I really liked the effect that the fishnets created especially when compared to the hand drawn scales I created in image three.

Image Five.My hair design and special effects design plan.(Pape,2017)

My hair design is going to be very natural and simple, I will be curling the hair in order to give it a beachy vibe exactly what you would expect from a mermaid, I will also be including a starfish into the hair design to flow with the one I will be applying to the face.For the special effect work on the neck it will be a simple yet effective piece, I will apply the plastic rings with wax and then I will apply the fake blood around the area, once this is done I will then place the netting over the top of my model.

When I purchased the starfish they arrived white so I decided that I would paint them orange in order to add some extra colour to my look as well as to make them look as real as possible, I have included some pictures of that process below.

Image Six.This is how the starfish arrived.(Pape,2017)

Image Seven.This was after I had hand painted it.(Pape,2017

Product list.
Make Up - 
Skin base foundation by Ilamasqua 
Anastasia Beverly Hills cosmetics dip brow pomade
Grimas pearl 12 palette face paint

Illamasqua mascara in raven midnight black
Starfish adornment
Fishing netting
Plastic can holder 
Mehron stage blood in dark
Fishnet tights

Hair - 

GHD white straighteners
L'oreal elnett hairspray
Starfish adornment


Image One .Dark blue's and purples with a hint of pink mermaid make up with adornments to the face and body. (www.glamour.com, n.d.)

www.glamour.com (n.d.). Dark blue's and purples with a hint of pink mermaid make up with adornments to the face and body.. [Photograph] Available at: http://www.glamour.com/gallery/mermaid-makeup-how-to-tips#7 [Accessed 18 Apr. 2017].

Image Two. Zombie mermaid/ this is exactly what I am going for on the neck however I will be including a plastic ring which you see on packs of beer/bottles. (www.popsugar.co.uk, 2016)

www.popsugar.co.uk (2016). Image One .Zombie mermaid/ this is exactly what I am going for on the neck however I will be including a plastic ring which you see on packs of beer/bottles.. [Photograph] Available at: https://www.popsugar.co.uk/love/photo-gallery/42445325/embed/42445308/Zombie-Mermaid?utm_medium=redirect&utm_campaign=US:GB&utm_source=uk.pinterest.com [Accessed 18 Apr. 2017].

Image Three.Design chart one.(Pape,2017).

Pape,E.(2017).Design chart one.[photograph].

Image Four.Design chart Two.(Pape,2017)

Pape,E.(2017).Design chart Two.[photograph]

Image Five.My hair design and special effects design plan.(Pape,2017)

Pape,E.(2017).My hair design and special effects design plan.[photograph].

Image Six.This is how the starfish arrived.(Pape,2017)

Pape,E.(2017)This is how the starfish arrived.[photograph]

Image Seven.This was after I had hand painted it.(Pape,2017)

Pape,E.(2017).This was after I had hand painted it.[photograph]

Friday, 17 March 2017

Marketing imagery

So here is my planning for my marketing shoot that will be taking place on the 23rd March in my PPD lesson, this look is all based around what should be included in my portfolio that isn't already. this is a really good opportunity as we had did peer assessment of six images of our work that we thought represents us and the type of industry we want to go into when we have graduated. So as a result of my peer assessment I was able to see that my portfolio needed more male models and a range of different skin tones, this made it clear what I should be advertising for when looking for models.

When it came to what type of make up I should do I spoke to Tai to see what she thought I should include in my portfolio, this really helped as I never really knew what I should be including for a special effects portfolio and I feel like I have too many images of zombie and gory make up in my portfolio so by speaking to Tai she was able to give me some brilliant ideas that I should consider putting into my portfolio especially before my interview for my third year as I feel this will help me secure my place. 

One idea Tai had that I absolutely loved was to create a three stage ageing make up which would be suitable for tv & film as in my portfolio I have an image that I created when I was in college which was a theatrical ageing make up so by including an ageing make up that is suitable for TV & film this will show a different range of skills that is needed as with theatrical make up you apply the make up heavier and you define the lines as it is needed to be seen from afar rather than Tv and film where it needs to be subtle and will be seen close up, especially for HD tv as you would have to think about the products used and ensure that you can't see any seams if you are applying any prosthetics. 

Tai then mentioned that I should create a character in order to make the process easier, I decided to make my character a male who is in his 20's and is in university therefore he likes going out and partying however as time goes on he starts to depend highly on alcohol until he is fully dependent on it, the three stages I will be creating will be :
  • Photograph One ( 20 year old ) - make up with dark circles ( due to the late night drinking) and some fine lines 
  • Photograph Two ( late 20's/ early 30's ) - The start of redness due to the start of alcoholism and heavier lines start to appear 
  • Photograph Three ( late 30's / 40's ) - Broken capillaries and the redness and heavier lines. 
To make this make up as realistic as possible I began my research of alcoholism and its effects, I found the following : 
  • Jaundice could start to develop -  the yellowing of the skin and eyes (Body, 2014) 
  • Dehydrated skin - this will be a factor throughout my look as dehydration makes the skin dull , alcohol makes the production of the hormone vasopressin slow down, this hormone helps you absorb water therefore this is the key factor in skin becoming dehydrated. (DEL RUSSO, 2016)
  • Spider veins ( Varicose veins ) - Alcohol is a vasodilator which means it opens up your blood vessels, if your vessels over- dilate they can burst which then leads to permanent spider veins.Rosacea is also common due the same reason.(DEL RUSSO, 2016).
  • Under eye bags - This isn't just a result of late night drinking but also it can be a result of the salt and sugar you usually see in drinks, the salt in drinks is linked to bloating and under eye bags.(DEL RUSSO, 2016)


Image One.This is my first design chart, this is for my first photograph where my model is in his 20's.(Pape,2017) 

Image Two. This is my second design chart, here you can see the start of rosacea, along with eye bags and the heavier definition of lines.( Pape,2017)

Image Three. This is my third design chart for my third photograph, here the lines have become heavier due the lack of elasticity, the rosacea has become worse and spider veins have started to appear.(Pape,2017) 

Product List.
  • Ben Nye wrinkle stipple to create the wrinkles/fine lines.
  • Red creme( mehron bruise wheel) to create the redness of the skin
  • Carbon by MAC eyeshadow to create the bags under the eyes 
  • Illamsaqua skin base matched to my models skin tone 
  • Dark blue creme ( mehron bruise wheel) to create the spider lines
  • Yellow creme ( mehron bruise wheel) placed in the waterline to create a yellow tone in the eyes.
Bibliography -

"The liver’s job is to break down harmful substances, including alcohol. Excessive drinking can cause alcoholic hepatitis which can lead to the development of jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)"

(Body, 2014)

Body, T. (2014).  How Alcohol Affects the Body. [online] Healthline. Available at: http://www.healthline.com/health/alcohol/effects-on-body [Accessed 22 Mar. 2017].

"Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it causes you to pee more," says NYC-based dermatologist Whitney Bowe, MD. "But it also hinders the production of the hormone vasopressin. That hormone helps you reabsorb water. So alcohol is kind of a double whammy, in that it's forcing out water and making it harder for your body to rehydrate itself."

(DEL RUSSO, 2016)

DEL RUSSO, M. (2016). Skin Effects Of Alcohol, Drinking. [online] Refinery29.com. Available at: http://www.refinery29.com/alcohol-skin-effects [Accessed 22 Mar. 2017].

"What's more is that alcohol acts as a vasodilator, meaning it opens up the blood vessels — which explains why you get a flush when you've had a few too many. If your vessels over-dilate, they can burst, leading to permanent spider veins on your face." "But the worst side effect really hits home for those who suffer from rosacea: "A majority of rosacea patients say that alcohol is the number-one trigger of their rosacea," Dr. Bowe says."
(DEL RUSSO, 2016)

DEL RUSSO, M. (2016). Skin Effects Of Alcohol, Drinking. [online] Refinery29.com. Available at: http://www.refinery29.com/alcohol-skin-effects [Accessed 22 Mar. 2017].

"Sugar has been shown to trigger the hormone IGF-1, which causes an over-production of oil in your skin," Dr. Bowe says. "It also leads to inflammation." Salt, of course, leads to bloating and undereye bags"
(DEL RUSSO, 2016)

DEL RUSSO, M. (2016). Skin Effects Of Alcohol, Drinking. [online] Refinery29.com. Available at: http://www.refinery29.com/alcohol-skin-effects [Accessed 22 Mar. 2017].

Image One.This is my first design chart, this is for my first photograph where my model is in his 20's.(Pape,2017) 

Pape,E(2017).This is my first design chart, this is for my first photograph where my model is in his 20's.[Photograph]

Image Two.This is my second design chart, here you can see the start of rosacea, along with eye bags and the heavier definition of lines.(Pape,2017) 

Pape,E(2017).This is my second design chart, here you can see the start of rosacea, along with eye bags and the heavier definition of lines.[Photograph]

Image Three.This is my third design chart for my third photograph, here the lines have become heavier due the lack of elasticity, the rosacea has become worse and spider veins have started to appear..(Pape,2017) 

Pape,E(2017).This is my third design chart for my third photograph, here the lines have become heavier due the lack of elasticity, the rosacea has become worse and spider veins have started to appear.[Photograph].

Thursday, 16 March 2017

WEEK #6!

So today we focused all on our website, my website is still in the process of being made however I have made a good start to it. We got all our websites up and then we all swapped so we could get peer assessed.

My feedback.

  • Emma had my website and she sent me my feedback via facebook, this is what she had to say about my website;
  • Portfolio includes a good variety of videos and images including males, females - widen variety will different ethnicities and skin tones.
  •  Get in touch is easy to navigate. 
  • Links work - Facebook, Instagram etc.

I feel like my website will be a long process as I am not happy with how it is now so getting this feedback was very beneficial as it made me realise that it isn't as bad as I think and it does include everything it need to. 

After we had finished up with our website , we started to plan for our practical session for a look that we could use for online marketing.I started to think about what I should do however I made sure to take into consideration my feedback about my six images from last week.The piece of feedback I want to focus one is about the lack of male models and different skintones. 

As I want to go into special effect make up I will definitely be focusing on special effect work especially as I have an interview coming up for my top up year so this is a great opportunity to include another image into my portfolio. I started to then think about what type of special effect work I was going to do as I already have zombie make ups in my portfolio, I have also included theatrical work such as ageing. I spoke to Tai for some help as I didn't know what else I should be including into my portfolio and she mentioned to me the idea of creating a TV ageing make up with a model going through three different stages of her life. Tai then also mentioned about how I should create a storyline behind my character, I absolutely loved this idea and I will definetly will be gathering some research as I feel very comfortable doing theatrical ageing but TV ageing is very different.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Hair design for birthday concept

My hair design for my concept will be taking inspiration from the scorpio pincers ,I have included a moodboard below.

To create my look :

I will need -

  •  two elastic bands that follow my models hair colour
  • Tail comb in order to work my models hair into place 
  • L'oreal Elnett hairspray  which I will use to keep the hair in place during the photoshoot, it will also be used to help style the pincers on my models hair.
My moodboard for my hair design. Bibliography below.

Image One. Scorpion pincers. (factsaboutbirds.blogspot.co.uk, 2011)

factsaboutbirds.blogspot.co.uk (2011). Scorpion pincers. [photograph] Available at: http://factsaboutbirds.blogspot.co.uk/2011/08/different-types-of-scorpions.html [Accessed 17 Apr. 2017].

Image Two. A photograph showing the detail of scorpion pincers. (allacrost.org, 2010)

allacrost.org (2010). A photograph showing the detail of scorpion pincers.. [photograph] Available at: http://allacrost.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=19027 [Accessed 17 Apr. 2017].

Image Three. Scorpio themed photoshoot with all the focus on the hair, it is shaped like a scorpio.(uk.pinterest.com, n.d.)

uk.pinterest.com (n.d.). Scorpio themed photoshoot with all the focus on the hair, it is shaped like a scorpio.. [image] Available at: https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/426293920964442411/ [Accessed 17 Apr. 2017].

Image Four. Plaits are back, people. Get inspired… beyonce! (Marie Claire, 2017)

Marie Claire (2017). Plaits are back, people. Get inspired… beyonce!. [image] Available at: http://www.marieclaire.co.uk/beauty/hair/plait-hairstyles-162613 [Accessed 17 Apr. 2017].

Image Five. The tight frizzy double plaits. (lasthairmodels.com, 2012)

lasthairmodels.com (2012). The tight frizzy double plaits.. [image] Available at: http://lasthairmodels.com/2012/09/05/the-tight-frizzy-double-plaits/ [Accessed 17 Apr. 2017].

Image Six. High fashion plait (www.virtualhaircare.com, 2017)

www.virtualhaircare.com (2017). High fashion plait. [image] Available at: http://www.virtualhaircare.com/virtual%20salon/blow%20and%20style/plaiting_main.html [Accessed 17 Apr. 2017].

Thursday, 9 March 2017

PPD #5

Today in PPD we spoke all about growth mindset.
We watched a video which I have linked below.

Video One.(Growth Mindset by Carol Dweck - Animated book summary - Growth mindset and fixed mindset, 2016).

We spoke about whether we are a fixed or growth mindset.

The traits for a fixed mindset are as follows:

  • Avoiding challenges 
  • Giving up easily 
  • Seeing effort as temporary 
  • Getting frustrated and ignoring feedback or criticism 
  • Feeling threatened by others success
The traits of a growth mindset include:

  • Embracing challenges 
  • Pushing through setback 
  • Believing in your effort is most important 
  • Using feedback and criticism as a way of improvement 
  • Inspired and learns from other success. 

From looking at these traits I would say that when it comes to some things I can be a fixed mindset however in certain situations I can be a growth mindset it simply depends on the situation. I find myself to be very determined therefore being a growth mindset a key example is when it comes to university as I am always trying to do the best I can and I take feedback and criticism as a way for me to improve and do better. However on the other hand when I get into a rut and I doubt my own work I feel like I can be a very fixed mindset. 

Bibliography -
 Video One.(Growth Mindset by Carol Dweck - Animated book summary - Growth mindset and fixed mindset, 2016)

Growth Mindset by Carol Dweck - Animated book summary - Growth mindset and fixed mindset. (2016). [video] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyIF5VUOJc0 [Accessed 16 Mar. 2017].

Demographic location

Demographic location.

When speaking about demographic location I am talking about the statistical view of population which usually includes ;

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Income 
  • Occupation
  • Schooling
By understand the demographics of your target customers is vital in making your business a success.
You can get an idea of your demographics from searching on your local council website. 

For Manchester I found the following statistics : 

  • In the city of Manchester area there is 11,564 hectares ( A hectare is equal to 10,000ï¼’) (Manchester city council, 2017)
  •  268,400 males *(Manchester city council, 2015)
  • 261,900 females*(Manchester city council, 2015)
  • 18.4% of residents were aged 16-24 *(Manchester city council, 2015)
  • 33.9% of residents were aged 25-44* (Manchester city council, 2015)
  • 18.3% of residents were aged 45-64* (Manchester city council, 2015)
  • The number of under - and postgraduate students was 70,750* (Manchester city council, 2015)
  • Claimant count ( including job seeker allowance and non workers) for the city of Manchester (as a % population aged 16-64) was 2.7% **(Manchester city council, 2015)
  • Claimant count ( including job seeker allowance and non workers) for greater manchester ( as a % population aged 16-64) was 2.5% ** (Manchester city council, 2015)

* in 2015
** updated in Dec 2016

My having a look at this documentation it gave me an insight into the demographic location for Manchester and what I should consider when I am thinking about my business, however the demographic location will not really affect me as due to me wanting to go into the special effects, tv, film and live performance industry I won't be dealing with individuals unlike make up artists who are freelance and for example will be doing occasion make up . However I understand why it is important to know the demographic location as if you are in an area that has a high percentage of claimant count ( such as people who don't have jobs or who are claiming job seeker allowance) you will know that you can't make your prices overly expensive as people simply won't have the money to pay it.

When I was looking at competitors that affects me I found it very hard to find artists that do exactly what I want to do once I have graduated as most make up artists for special effects,film, theatre and live performance are either part the production company or they know the producer or artist. I think that the main reason why I had trouble finding a make up artist that does special effects alongside theatre,film and live performance is that for this industry you have to market yourself differently than most make up artists who are doing occasion make up , I thought of this when I was creating my website as well, as I was going to include a " book now" section to my website however after thinking I have realised that it wouldn't be suitable to my clientele as everything varies and I wouldn't just be able to have sections such as " special effect make up £50" or " character make up for theatre £60" as there would be many questions that would need to be asked such as " what special effect make up are you looking for?" as this would determine on the price of the make up as if they only wanted a simple cut or bruising it wouldn't cost £50.

However when looking at Manchester special effects artists on google, the first page that came up on google was for a make up artist called Sophie who is from Oldham, Manchester. I have included a photograph of her website below (image one)

Image One.The homepage for make up by sophie.(Battersby, n.d.)
Firsty I really like the layout of Sophie's website, I like how it mentions in the sub header that she does both make up and hair as people who require both are more likely to stay on her website now just because it says she does it from the get go rather than them clicking on it then clicking straight off it because it doesn't mention she can do both so by her including this she is improving her chances of getting employed/ clientele However the thing I don't like the most is the section named "shop" as it takes you to an etsy shop for handmade bridal and occasion headpieces, as someone who doesn't know Sophie I don't know if this is her other business or if it is an endorsement deal where she advertises for this company and in return she gets given pieces she can use on clientele.

Sophie is skilled in many areas including :

  • Beauty 
  • Fashion/editorial 
  • SFX/ character 
  • TV/ film/ music 
The first thing I notice about Sophie's portfolio section is that her images aren't captioned with anything therefore I am assuming they don't have alt text. Alt text is added to your image which then allows search engines to have information about your images as they can't understand images just text so by having alt text you are optimizing your SEO.Another thing I have noticed about Sophie's portfolio is that some images aren't blurry therefore I can't see the make up work. Going back to the sections especially SFX/character and TV/film/music I noticed that they include the same photographs which makes it very repetitive and makes me question if she meant to do this or if it was a mistake. I like how Sophie has included video footage into her portfolio as this shows variety which also allows the viewer to have a break from looking at images. Sophies portfolio section is very good and it has a mixture of male models and female models however I don't see a variety of skin tones and ethnicity. In the about section of Sophies website it is here where she has included all of her qualifications, Sophie has also included all her clients alongside where she studied which was the Van Garland school of make up. Sophie's client list to name a few include : 
  • BBC 
  • ITV 
  • Age UK
  • Little black dress
  • The sun
  • Macmillan
I feel like Sophie's list of clients along side her place of study will make clients want to go to her rather than me as I am just starting up and don't have the respected clientele she does. 
To have a look at Sophie's website follow the link here : 

I then found a website for a make up artist called Sarah Faulkner, who is based in Salford which is where I live. I have included a photograph of Sarah's website however you can see that compared to Sophie's ( image One) Sarah's website is very plain and basic and as a result of this I feel like it isn't as inviting than Sophie's.
Image Two.Here is a screenshot of Sarah's website which you can see when compared to image one lacks in colour and creativity. (Faulkner,n.d)

As I mentioned with Sophie's I feel like possible clientele would choose to go with Sarah as she has worked with credible people and she mentions on her profile that she has over 15 year experience so therefore clientele would be more than likely to chose to hire Sarah than me simply due to my lack of experience in the industry.

Sarah's list of clients include :

  • Granada TV
  • MUTV ( David Beckham interview)
  • BBC
  • CBBC
  • ITV

However I noticed the same thing that I did with Sophie's and that is that she doesn't caption her images which again would be an indication that she doesn't include alt text. I feel like they would both benefit from both captioning and alt texting their images as it all helps with SEO, I also feel like viewers and possible employers would be interested in knowing a bit about the image/photoshoot rather than there being no text or description. I would also feel that as Sarah has over 15 years experience that she would have more images in her portfolio, in addition to this I personally feel that the images she has included in her portfolio aren't to a good standard and I think this comes from there being no text or description as they all just look out of place, for example it goes from an image that looks like a fashion/editorial style to a photograph with "new years eve  black & white ball " with a group of 23 people which I start to question if she did all the make up or just one and what the event was for as I also noticed a logo with a bottle of something with the text " find your comfort zone" so then I am wondering if it is an advertisement or if it just a image of the make up she did for a party . Another factor of Sarah's imagery I am not keen on is the fact that especially on the film & special FX section it is clear that the images aren't of a professional standard and that Sarah took the photographs herself,in that section there are three photographs of the same make up as well which shocks me again as I mentioned before about her having over 15 years experience.

I feel that by looking at the artists around me has given me an insight in what I need to do in order to gain work and to not lose possible clientele as a result of other make up artists. The few ideas I that I have taken from looking at just these two make up artists are:

  • make sure my website is looking good and eye catching.
  • ensuring quality of photographs are the best standard possible.
  • get as much work experience with companies such as the BBC, ITV etc.
  • make my website easy to use.
  • Include special offers to the public such as a special effects workshop ( especially when coming up to halloween )/ halloween make up services with the call to action of they get a free gift such as a small pot of fake blood so they are able to top up throughout the night.
  • Ensure that as soon as I have worked with a client I have included them on my website.

Overall by completing this I feel more understanding about how demographic location can play a massive part in being successful as the key thing I have taken from both website is that they are both based in Manchester however they made it clear that they travel all over the world, this is the key problem I face I feel as a make up artist who wants to make it in the special effects,tv,film and live performance industry as I can't drive which would be the key in being able to travel the country and I also have a part time job where I am required to work weekends and evenings, therefore I am limiting my availability whereas I should be entirely flexible for possible employers.

I then thought that I would check my statistics for blogger as I was really interested in seeing what my stats are for this, I was very surprised as I didn't expect so many views from different countries! Have a look at image Three to see, another thing that surprised me was to see the traffic sources of were my views were coming from! This made me feel proud as the traffic sources showed that most views were coming from google, therefore my SEO is good.
Image Three.The stats of my overall audience count for my blog, including country and what browser is used.(Blogger,2017)

Image Four.Here is a screenshot of the traffic sources of my blog, this shows how people are finding my site.(Blogger.com , 2017)


(Manchester city council, 2015)

Manchester city council, (2015). A01 Manchester factsheet. Manchester: Manchester city council, pp.1-2.

Image One.The homepage for make up by sophie.(Battersby, n.d.)

Battersby, S. (n.d.). [Photograph] The homepage for make up by sophie .Available at: https://www.make-upbysophie.co.uk/ [Accessed 19 Mar. 2017].

Image Two.Here is a screenshot of Sarah's website which you can see when compared to image one lacks in colour and creativity. (Faulkner,n.d)

Faulkner,s(N.D).[photograph] .Here is a screenshot of Sarah's website which you can see when compared to image one lacks in colour and creativity. Available at :http://www.sfmakeup.co.uk/MakeUp/index.html. [Accessed 19 Mar. 2017].

Image Three.The stats of my overall audience count for my blog, including country and what browser is used.(Blogger,2017)

www.blogger.com(2017).[photograph].The stats of my overall audience count for my blog, including country and what browser is used. [Accessed 19 Mar.2017]

Image Four.Here is a screenshot of the traffic sources of my blog, this shows how people are finding my site.(Blogger.com , 2017)

www.blogger.com(2017).[photograph].Here is a screenshot of the traffic sources of my blog, this shows how people are finding my site.[ Accessed 19 Mar.2017].

3 Jobs!

In today's session we all spoke about social media and what online platforms we use in order to gain work and experience.

We created a list of online platforms we could sign up to and that would help us gain work and experience, the list was as followed:

  • Productionbase.co.uk ( Image One)
  • LinkedIn.com ( Image Two) 
  • ModelMayhem.com ( Image Three)
  • Buffer.com ( Image Four)
  • Mandy.com ( Image Five) 
  • Starnow.com ( Image Six)
Image One.I signed up to  production base in order to gain more opportunities in the industry.(Pape,2017)
Image Two. I already had a linkedin profile however during this lesson I spent time setting it up.(Pape,2017).

Image Three. I also had a model mayhem profiles so I also spent time during the lesson on this.(Pape,2017)
Image Four.Once I had  set up my linkedin I then downloaded and  signed up for buffer, I then linked up all my professional social media to it which  I  will use to post all my posts to my different social medias. (Pape,2017)

Image Five. I already had a profile for mandy set up however I needed to spend time on setting up and getting used to how to use it.(Pape,2017).

Image Six. This is another platform I already had before this lesson however I needed to take time to sort out my profile.(Pape.2017).

We were given a task to do during the break, the task was to look at 3 jobs we would apply for and we had to consider the following : 

  • Training 
  • Travel 
  • Requirements 
  • Pay 

Job #1

I found this job on mandy.com which is a film and tv directory.

Image Seven.A screenshot of the first job I found.(www.mandy.com, 2017)

Training?  Training may be required if you do not have any experience, however I have a knowledge of special effect make up so I would just practice the looks prior to the days of the shoot.
Travel? I used the trainline app on my phone to see how much travel would cost as I can't drive so I would have to go by train. However when I looked at the price for a return I was looking at tickets of £85.20 so taking that away from the £110 that left me with £24.80 from the job and as it is in Bristol and for two days I would have to have accommodation which the cost of the job wouldn't cover therefore I would be losing money.
Image Eight.Screenshot of the cost of travel from salford to bristol.(Pape,2017)

Requirements ? To be confident in creating the following special effects looks : 
  • A slit throat from a knife
  • Gun shot to the leg ( wearing jeans)
  • Stabbing a knife into a foot.
Pay? £110 for the two days with 5 hours on set per day.However like I mentioned in the travel section once I have calculated the price of trains and then accomodation I would be losing money 

Have a look at the job here! http://www.mandy.com/projob/394319/special_effects_artist/

Job #2

Image Nine.Screenshot of job #2 which I found on starnow.com. (www.Starnow.co.uk, 2017)

  • Training? A basic knowledge of make up application for TV/ filming and also the knowledge of how lighting can change make up.
  • Travel ? The job is in London so I would be using trains to get to London and then taxi/bus to the actual location.
  • Requirements ?  To be able to create and touch up neutral make up application with the use of dramatic lighting.
  • Pay ? Pay is included however it is only travel and lunch and on the post it mentions that the production dates are 1st - 2nd April therefore accommodation may be required which I would have to pay for myself, therefore I am losing money, especially as it is in London the price for accommodation will be expensive.
Have a look at the job here! https://www.starnow.co.uk/listing/839777/makeup-artist-wanted-music-video-melodic-hardcore-metalcore/

Job #3

Image Ten.Job #3 that I found that I would be interested in taking.(www.Starnow.co.uk, 2017)

  • Training ? Knowledge of creating realistic scars,cuts and bruises such as the anatomy of ageing of bruises, cuts etc.
  • Travel ?  It is based in Manchester so I would be able to use a range of public transport depending on which method was best ( train or bus)
  • Requirements ?  To create scars,cuts and bruises that look realistic.
  • Pay ? There is no strict pay however they mentioned about reimbursing for travel and materials used that I have used.
Have a look at the job here! https://www.starnow.co.uk/listing/830571/mua-wanted-scarring-and-bruising-effects-short-film-impact/

Image One.I signed up to  production base in order to gain more opportunities in the industry.(Pape,2017)

Pape,E(2017).I signed up to  production base in order to gain more opportunities in the industry.[Photograph].

Image Two. I already had a linkedin profile however during this lesson I spent time setting it up.(Pape,2017).

Pape,E(2017). I already had a linkedin profile however during this lesson I spent time setting it up.[Photograph].

Image Three. I also had a model mayhem profiles so I also spent time during the lesson on this.(Pape,2017)

Pape,E(2017). I also had a model mayhem profiles so I also spent time during the lesson on this.[Photograph].
Image Four.Once I had  set up my linkedin I then downloaded and  signed up for buffer, I then linked up all my professional social media to it which  I  will use to post all my posts to my different social medias. (Pape,2017).

Pape,E(2017).Once I had  set up my linkedin I then downloaded and  signed up for buffer, I then linked up all my professional social media to it which  I  will use to post all my posts to my different social medias.[Photograph]

Image Five. I already had a profile for mandy set up however I needed to spend time on setting up and getting used to how to use it.(Pape,2017).

Pape,E(2017).I already had a profile for mandy set up however I needed to spend time on setting up and getting used to how to use it.[Photograph]

Image Six. This is another platform I already had before this lesson however I needed to take time to sort out my profile.(Pape.2017).

Pape,E(2017).This is another platform I already had before this lesson however I needed to take time to sort out my profile.[Photograph]

Image Seven.A screenshot of the first job I found.(www.mandy.com, 2017)

www.mandy.com, (2017). [Photograph] Available at: http://www.mandy.com/projob/394319/special_effects_artist/ [Accessed 14 Mar. 2017]
Image Eight.Screenshot of the cost of travel from salford to bristol.(Pape,2017)

Pape,E(2017).Screenshot of the cost of travel from salford to bristol.[Photograph]

Image Nine.Screenshot of job #2 which I found on starnow.com.(www.Starnow.co.uk, 2017)

www.Starnow.co.uk, (2017). [Photograph] Available at: https://www.starnow.co.uk/listing/839777/makeup-artist-wanted-music-video-melodic-hardcore-metalcore/ [Accessed 14 Mar. 2017].

Image Ten.Job #3 that I found that I would be interested in taking.(www.Starnow.co.uk, 2017)

www.Starnow.co.uk, (2017). [Photograph] Available at: https://www.starnow.co.uk/listing/830571/mua-wanted-scarring-and-bruising-effects-short-film-impact/ [Accessed 14 Mar. 2017].

6 images of my work that represents me!

So for the lesson today we had to pick six images of our work that we think represents us as a make up artist.Here are the images I chose...

Image/Video One. 
Video One. "feral" by hometruths.(CI RECORDS,2017)

genre : live performance ( filming) 
technical skill: having five members of make up to do within a small time scale and working in conditions that haven't got great lighting.
does this piece of work serve my main focus? : Yes it does as this is exactly what I want to get into once I have graduated.

Image/Video Two. 

Image Two.Theatrical ageing make up using a bald cap.( Pape,2015)
genre : Theatre
technical skill: applying and fitting a bald cap, creating a look that is strong close up but when placed far away it looks good.
does this piece of work serve my main focus? : Yes it does as this is exactly what I want to get into once I have graduated.

Image/Video Three.
Image Three.SFX zombie make up!(Pape,2015)
genre : Special effects / film & tv
technical skill: the teeth 
does this piece of work serve my main focus? : Yes it does as this is exactly what I want to get into once I have graduated

Image/Video Four

Image Four.Post apocalyptic charity shop chic look(Page,2016)

genre : Live performance( filming)  
technical skill: Getting the streaks under the eyes to look real and not fake.
does this piece of work serve my main focus? : It shows another side of what I can do that isn't special effect work.

Image/Video Five

Image Five.Black and white photography with brow blocking(Pape,2015)
genre : Black and white photography
technical skill: Brow blocking
does this piece of work serve my main focus? : Yes as it shows the skills that I will need in the special effects,tv,film and live performance industry.

Image/Video Six.
Image Six. Devil facepaint look.(pape,2015)
genre : facepainting
technical skill: getting a good base
does this piece of work serve my main focus? : Yes as it shows the skills that I will need in the special effects,tv,film and live performance industry.

During the lesson we then swapped images so then we could get peer assessed about how they thought our six images represents what type of work we want to go into.This was very beneficial part of the lesson as it really allowed me to open my eyes about my work and it gave me an incite into what other people think about my work. I feel like this really benefited me as I feel like I was bored of looking at my own work and I didn't think about what people looking at my portfolio would think of my work so this really helped me especially as I have an interview for my top up year next week. Kirsty was the one who peer assessed my work, giving her my six images this is what kirsty had to say about my work:
I can see that Ella wants to go into the specials effects industry.
Great elements of special effects.
I can see you love the gruesome area in this industry.
I can’t see any different mix sex models.
All Models are young and no older models.
No mixed race models.

My feedback from Kirsty allowed me to see what I need to improve on and I should include into my portfolio ,I feel like all the points Kirsty made are valid and I can totally see where she got these points from. I will definitely be taking Kirsty's points into considerations especially considering I have my interview for next year coming up and also my shoots for showcase.

Video One. "feral" by hometruths.(CI RECORDS,2017)
(CI RECORDS,2017). "feral" by hometruths.[VIDEO]

Image Two.Theatrical ageing make up using a bald cap.( Pape,2015)
Pape,E(2015).Theatrical ageing make up using a bald cap[Photography]

Image Three.SFX zombie make up!(Pape,2015)
Pape,E(2015).SFX zombie make up![photograph]

Image Four.Post apocalyptic charity shop chic look(Page,2016)
Page,B(2016).Post apocalyptic charity shop chic look.[photograph]

Image Five.Black and white photography with brow blocking(Pape,2015)
Pape,E(2015).Black and white photography with brow blocking.[photograph]

Image Six. Devil facepaint look.(pape,2015)
Pape,E(2015).Devil facepaint look.[photograph]