Thursday, 9 March 2017

6 images of my work that represents me!

So for the lesson today we had to pick six images of our work that we think represents us as a make up artist.Here are the images I chose...

Image/Video One. 
Video One. "feral" by hometruths.(CI RECORDS,2017)

genre : live performance ( filming) 
technical skill: having five members of make up to do within a small time scale and working in conditions that haven't got great lighting.
does this piece of work serve my main focus? : Yes it does as this is exactly what I want to get into once I have graduated.

Image/Video Two. 

Image Two.Theatrical ageing make up using a bald cap.( Pape,2015)
genre : Theatre
technical skill: applying and fitting a bald cap, creating a look that is strong close up but when placed far away it looks good.
does this piece of work serve my main focus? : Yes it does as this is exactly what I want to get into once I have graduated.

Image/Video Three.
Image Three.SFX zombie make up!(Pape,2015)
genre : Special effects / film & tv
technical skill: the teeth 
does this piece of work serve my main focus? : Yes it does as this is exactly what I want to get into once I have graduated

Image/Video Four

Image Four.Post apocalyptic charity shop chic look(Page,2016)

genre : Live performance( filming)  
technical skill: Getting the streaks under the eyes to look real and not fake.
does this piece of work serve my main focus? : It shows another side of what I can do that isn't special effect work.

Image/Video Five

Image Five.Black and white photography with brow blocking(Pape,2015)
genre : Black and white photography
technical skill: Brow blocking
does this piece of work serve my main focus? : Yes as it shows the skills that I will need in the special effects,tv,film and live performance industry.

Image/Video Six.
Image Six. Devil facepaint look.(pape,2015)
genre : facepainting
technical skill: getting a good base
does this piece of work serve my main focus? : Yes as it shows the skills that I will need in the special effects,tv,film and live performance industry.

During the lesson we then swapped images so then we could get peer assessed about how they thought our six images represents what type of work we want to go into.This was very beneficial part of the lesson as it really allowed me to open my eyes about my work and it gave me an incite into what other people think about my work. I feel like this really benefited me as I feel like I was bored of looking at my own work and I didn't think about what people looking at my portfolio would think of my work so this really helped me especially as I have an interview for my top up year next week. Kirsty was the one who peer assessed my work, giving her my six images this is what kirsty had to say about my work:
I can see that Ella wants to go into the specials effects industry.
Great elements of special effects.
I can see you love the gruesome area in this industry.
I can’t see any different mix sex models.
All Models are young and no older models.
No mixed race models.

My feedback from Kirsty allowed me to see what I need to improve on and I should include into my portfolio ,I feel like all the points Kirsty made are valid and I can totally see where she got these points from. I will definitely be taking Kirsty's points into considerations especially considering I have my interview for next year coming up and also my shoots for showcase.

Video One. "feral" by hometruths.(CI RECORDS,2017)
(CI RECORDS,2017). "feral" by hometruths.[VIDEO]

Image Two.Theatrical ageing make up using a bald cap.( Pape,2015)
Pape,E(2015).Theatrical ageing make up using a bald cap[Photography]

Image Three.SFX zombie make up!(Pape,2015)
Pape,E(2015).SFX zombie make up![photograph]

Image Four.Post apocalyptic charity shop chic look(Page,2016)
Page,B(2016).Post apocalyptic charity shop chic look.[photograph]

Image Five.Black and white photography with brow blocking(Pape,2015)
Pape,E(2015).Black and white photography with brow blocking.[photograph]

Image Six. Devil facepaint look.(pape,2015)
Pape,E(2015).Devil facepaint look.[photograph]

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