Friday, 17 March 2017

Marketing imagery

So here is my planning for my marketing shoot that will be taking place on the 23rd March in my PPD lesson, this look is all based around what should be included in my portfolio that isn't already. this is a really good opportunity as we had did peer assessment of six images of our work that we thought represents us and the type of industry we want to go into when we have graduated. So as a result of my peer assessment I was able to see that my portfolio needed more male models and a range of different skin tones, this made it clear what I should be advertising for when looking for models.

When it came to what type of make up I should do I spoke to Tai to see what she thought I should include in my portfolio, this really helped as I never really knew what I should be including for a special effects portfolio and I feel like I have too many images of zombie and gory make up in my portfolio so by speaking to Tai she was able to give me some brilliant ideas that I should consider putting into my portfolio especially before my interview for my third year as I feel this will help me secure my place. 

One idea Tai had that I absolutely loved was to create a three stage ageing make up which would be suitable for tv & film as in my portfolio I have an image that I created when I was in college which was a theatrical ageing make up so by including an ageing make up that is suitable for TV & film this will show a different range of skills that is needed as with theatrical make up you apply the make up heavier and you define the lines as it is needed to be seen from afar rather than Tv and film where it needs to be subtle and will be seen close up, especially for HD tv as you would have to think about the products used and ensure that you can't see any seams if you are applying any prosthetics. 

Tai then mentioned that I should create a character in order to make the process easier, I decided to make my character a male who is in his 20's and is in university therefore he likes going out and partying however as time goes on he starts to depend highly on alcohol until he is fully dependent on it, the three stages I will be creating will be :
  • Photograph One ( 20 year old ) - make up with dark circles ( due to the late night drinking) and some fine lines 
  • Photograph Two ( late 20's/ early 30's ) - The start of redness due to the start of alcoholism and heavier lines start to appear 
  • Photograph Three ( late 30's / 40's ) - Broken capillaries and the redness and heavier lines. 
To make this make up as realistic as possible I began my research of alcoholism and its effects, I found the following : 
  • Jaundice could start to develop -  the yellowing of the skin and eyes (Body, 2014) 
  • Dehydrated skin - this will be a factor throughout my look as dehydration makes the skin dull , alcohol makes the production of the hormone vasopressin slow down, this hormone helps you absorb water therefore this is the key factor in skin becoming dehydrated. (DEL RUSSO, 2016)
  • Spider veins ( Varicose veins ) - Alcohol is a vasodilator which means it opens up your blood vessels, if your vessels over- dilate they can burst which then leads to permanent spider veins.Rosacea is also common due the same reason.(DEL RUSSO, 2016).
  • Under eye bags - This isn't just a result of late night drinking but also it can be a result of the salt and sugar you usually see in drinks, the salt in drinks is linked to bloating and under eye bags.(DEL RUSSO, 2016)


Image One.This is my first design chart, this is for my first photograph where my model is in his 20's.(Pape,2017) 

Image Two. This is my second design chart, here you can see the start of rosacea, along with eye bags and the heavier definition of lines.( Pape,2017)

Image Three. This is my third design chart for my third photograph, here the lines have become heavier due the lack of elasticity, the rosacea has become worse and spider veins have started to appear.(Pape,2017) 

Product List.
  • Ben Nye wrinkle stipple to create the wrinkles/fine lines.
  • Red creme( mehron bruise wheel) to create the redness of the skin
  • Carbon by MAC eyeshadow to create the bags under the eyes 
  • Illamsaqua skin base matched to my models skin tone 
  • Dark blue creme ( mehron bruise wheel) to create the spider lines
  • Yellow creme ( mehron bruise wheel) placed in the waterline to create a yellow tone in the eyes.
Bibliography -

"The liver’s job is to break down harmful substances, including alcohol. Excessive drinking can cause alcoholic hepatitis which can lead to the development of jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)"

(Body, 2014)

Body, T. (2014).  How Alcohol Affects the Body. [online] Healthline. Available at: [Accessed 22 Mar. 2017].

"Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it causes you to pee more," says NYC-based dermatologist Whitney Bowe, MD. "But it also hinders the production of the hormone vasopressin. That hormone helps you reabsorb water. So alcohol is kind of a double whammy, in that it's forcing out water and making it harder for your body to rehydrate itself."

(DEL RUSSO, 2016)

DEL RUSSO, M. (2016). Skin Effects Of Alcohol, Drinking. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Mar. 2017].

"What's more is that alcohol acts as a vasodilator, meaning it opens up the blood vessels — which explains why you get a flush when you've had a few too many. If your vessels over-dilate, they can burst, leading to permanent spider veins on your face." "But the worst side effect really hits home for those who suffer from rosacea: "A majority of rosacea patients say that alcohol is the number-one trigger of their rosacea," Dr. Bowe says."
(DEL RUSSO, 2016)

DEL RUSSO, M. (2016). Skin Effects Of Alcohol, Drinking. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Mar. 2017].

"Sugar has been shown to trigger the hormone IGF-1, which causes an over-production of oil in your skin," Dr. Bowe says. "It also leads to inflammation." Salt, of course, leads to bloating and undereye bags"
(DEL RUSSO, 2016)

DEL RUSSO, M. (2016). Skin Effects Of Alcohol, Drinking. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Mar. 2017].

Image One.This is my first design chart, this is for my first photograph where my model is in his 20's.(Pape,2017) 

Pape,E(2017).This is my first design chart, this is for my first photograph where my model is in his 20's.[Photograph]

Image Two.This is my second design chart, here you can see the start of rosacea, along with eye bags and the heavier definition of lines.(Pape,2017) 

Pape,E(2017).This is my second design chart, here you can see the start of rosacea, along with eye bags and the heavier definition of lines.[Photograph]

Image Three.This is my third design chart for my third photograph, here the lines have become heavier due the lack of elasticity, the rosacea has become worse and spider veins have started to appear..(Pape,2017) 

Pape,E(2017).This is my third design chart for my third photograph, here the lines have become heavier due the lack of elasticity, the rosacea has become worse and spider veins have started to appear.[Photograph].

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